19-20 April 2023. Do You Have a Minute?, Le Vivier, Chapelle Scènes contemporaines, Montreal, Canada
19-20 April 2023. Do You Have a Minute?, Le Vivier, Chapelle Scènes contemporaines, Montreal, Canada
12 Feb-7 Aug 2022. Hope from Chaos, ArtScience Museum, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
June 2021. Across Pieces of Sky, Trocadero Art Space, Melbourne, Australia
Sept 2020. By Proxy, Museum of Contemporary Arts Arlington, Arlington, Virginia, USA
June 2020. Fluxus online | Suoni Per Il Popolo x No Hay Banda, Montreal, Canada
2020-2022. Semi-bleached memo pad of 400 pages, ongoing instructions handwritten, 3.93”X3.93”, video performances (variable duration and installation iterations).
Partially funded by the Korean Art Council & GyeongGi Cultural Foundation & the Canada Coucil for the Arts.