30 May 2022
String figures (actually) consistently occur in every conversation, movement, gesture and decision I make everyday. To realize subtle process of my own string figures being created today and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I’m weaving now throughout these citations and the in/tangibles.
21 June 2022 - Melting Points
• From the top left to the top right:
(1) Caroline Furness Jayne. String Figures and How to Make Them; a Study of Cat’s Cradle in Many Lands. New York, Dover Publications, 1962.
(2) Currencies of Hospitality. Edited by Sylvie Fortin, published by Public Access Journal
(3) Stranger Things S2 E8, Dustine says, “It’s so ancient that it doesn’t even know its true home.”
• From the bottom left to the bottom right:
(1) Fournier, Lauren. Autotheory as Feminist Practice in Art, Writing, and Criticism. S.L., Mit Press, 2022.
(2) Melting Point(s): digital journals through citations and questions. Ivetta Sunyoung Kang. 2022
(3) Gryski, Camilla and Tom Sankey. Cat’s Cradle, Owl’s Eyes: A Book of String Games. New York, N.Y., Scholastic, 1995.
Gryski, Camila and Tom Sankey. Cat’s Cradle, Owl’s Eyes: A Book of String Games. New York, N.Y., Scholastic, 1995.
Gryski, Camila and Tom Sankey. Cat’s Cradle, Owl’s Eyes: A Book of String Games. New York, N.Y., Scholastic, 1995.